Glitch Perspectives
Abstract/TLDR: Glitch Perspectives, a one of one, non-generative art collection of digital paintings by Mazey Moon at @mmoonstudios, is set to be released on April 17th with @metapeplabs. The collection has an overall feel that is illustrative, abstracted, and glitched. Moon works in many mediums and this collection is her most personal to date.
Along with Glitch Perspectives, Moon is releasing an exclusive Premier Drop with, a NFT marketplace, titled Glitch Perspective. Glitch Perspective, the exclusive Premier Drop encapsulates the entire Glitch Perspectives collection, with an additional animated touch. The Premier Drop is on a limited contract that only allows the artist to add to the contract once every three months. The Premier Drop is meant to highlight and feature selected work from artists that are releasing on the Avalanche blockchain.
Generic 2023
Glitch Perspectives Collection with @Metapeplabs on Avalanche
From the Artist:
Glitch Perspectives draws inspiration from my own experiences as an individual with nerve disorders. I use abstraction and the aesthetic of glitch to represent the experience with all of the symptoms that come with having fibromyalgia like pain flares, fatigue, vertigo, and often not talked about cognitive problems. I use my digital painting practice much like a diary, documenting the mundane and often uncomfortable, while creating a visual vocabulary that’s aesthetically fun, graphic, glitchy, abstract and colorful. I often draw abstractions, self portraits, and things that surround my life like media and pop culture.
My work is heavily influenced by the work of Legacy Russell in, “Glitch Feminism”. Russell views the glitch as beautiful and resilient especially in the new, global cyber landscape.
"Glitch Feminism exists at the intersection of gender, race, sexuality, class, and technology; it embraces the imperfections, the distortion, the deconstruction, and the destruction that technology can engender, precisely because these glitches open up new avenues for resistance and alternative forms of being." - Legacy Russell. Glitch Feminism. 2020.
Another author that influenced my thinking is Sarah Ahmed’s. Ahmed’s, “What’s the Use”, articulates a societal viewpoint of disabled bodies and the association of disability and poverty. Ahmed’s words are powerful and go much further in depth about the corruption of resource distribution to marginalized communities.
Dark Matter 2023
Glitch Perspectives Collection with @Metapeplabs on Avalanche
Last but not least, another artist and author that’s a big inspiration to me in all aspects of my life is Adrienne Maree Brown and her book, “Pleasure Activism.” Brown believes that taking time for pleasure and creating acts of pleasure is activism.
"The work of pleasure activism is not just about feeling good, it’s about reclaiming our power and agency in a world that constantly seeks to diminish and erase us." - Adreienne Maree Brown. Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good. 2019
To experience pleasure as a disabled person often is viewed as selfish and is rooted in the belief that disabled people are limited in some way, and therefore should not have the same opportunities for pleasure as able bodies. “Pleasure Activism” insists that every-body can and should experience pleasure as often and as much as possible.
Glitch Perspective 2023
Glitch Perspectives Collection with @Metapeplabs on Avalanche
Glitch Perspectives is centered around these concepts of embracing the glitch, subversion of the association of ability and worth, and indulging myself in the thrill of the arts.
I hope this work can be a conversation starter. Everyone deals with some form of disability at some point in their life and there shouldn’t be shame around it. I think celebrating the diversity of experience can make life better for all of us.
Glitch Perspective and the Glitch Perspectives collection are non-generative digital paintings that draw inspiration from my personal experiences and the concept of radical acceptance. Through the use of glitch aesthetics, the collection highlights the experiences of marginalized communities and encourages viewers to look beyond the glitch and see the beauty and strength that can be found in accepting and celebrating differences.
The collection is set to drop on April 17th, and it promises to be a powerful and thought-provoking collection that will leave a lasting impression on viewers. Glitch Perspective Premier Drop will be auctioned off April 7th on